True Spiritual Self
Alabama, US of A, May 27, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “True Spiritual Self.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “In the life of human beings, truth can only be learned through experience. Any truth that has not been ‘lived’ is merely theoretical knowledge for a person. Only when one has personally felt the importance of something do values acquire meaning. This is why it is so important in human life to maintain an open mind and always have the attitude of a student, for life is the inexhaustible source of experiences that progressively illuminates the emerging spirit of human beings.
The classic example of the value of experience is the progressive understanding of love. A human being will never be able to comprehend the love of the Father if they have not first loved another being during their life. This understanding of love will be progressively illuminated depending on each person’s willingness to learn and give their best. A child first discovers love for their parents. Later, when they reach the appropriate age, they may find in romantic love an additional dimension that illuminates their idea of love. Later, when becoming the father or mother of another human being, their understanding of love acquires an even deeper level of meaning, drawing them closer to the love that God the Father feels for all His creatures. The achievement of this knowledge is only possible through life experience and requires natural time to develop. Wise men and women learn very early the value of ‘giving time to time’ when it comes to learning in life.
There is no magical technique that can accelerate the process of understanding eternal truths; only experience grants spiritual wisdom. It is not possible to speed up this process, but it can be made much easier depending on your desire to live according to the Father’s will, which is nothing more than learning the lessons that life offers us — the life He has given us to become increasingly perfect and complete beings. If you learn to consider and live your life in this way — as a path to receiving increasingly complete revelations of spiritual truths while acquiring wisdom and progressively perfecting yourself — life becomes an adventure, a journey of exploration where there are unexplored wonders around every corner, available only to those who have developed the necessary curiosity to pay attention and enjoy them.
The best part is that a stimulating life, full of real and lasting satisfactions, can be lived anywhere. A ‘well-lived’ life does not depend on external circumstances, personal or material resources, the time period, culture, or the level of civilization. Living a life full of learning moments that promote healthy spiritual progress depends solely on each individual. It is the human desire to know the Father, to understand His reality and the creation in which we dwell, that opens the doors to receiving God’s blessings, which have always been available to all men and women who embark on the adventure of achieving perfection. Truly, there is no more important task nor more glorious endeavor than that of a human being who seeks and eventually manifests their true spiritual self.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.