The Global Algorithm: or lapping up more of the same
Seraphin Message 583:
Through Rosie 31st January 2025
We see you floundering, dear inhabitants of Earth, trying to make sense of what is going on, but none of it fits into your “frame of reference”. This is because the “doorposts” are being moved big time. We can also call this REFRAMING. A picture, or an idea, or a concept, or a religion, or a conviction, can have a certain appearance when surrounded by a certain “framework”. But once that is removed – when the concept is placed in a huge landscape with very far-reaching perimeters which are incomparable with the small, cosy confinement of the previous frame, many of you will find yourselves truly “at sea” without a point of orientation.
This is because suddenly, there are SO MANY NEW POINTS OF ORIENTATION, and you are used to “following” or focusing on a mere few. This will be the momentous extending of the horizon which we have been talking to you about for years, and it resembles the idea of your world as a small rock leaving the global scene, as it were, and entering THE UNIVERSE (and at this point we must add that there is not only one universe, but trillions). We hope, with these descriptions, to have given you an idea of the very great revelations which are about to hit your news stations, and which will shatter your worldview forever.
It is at this point that you will realize that you have been “had”, that your view has deliberately been trained – as algorithms do – to move forward IN ONE DIRECTION ONLY and to LAP UP MORE OF THE SAME. Your masters have discovered, in the past, that you enjoy this or that, then exactly this will be developed in order to pull you further and faster in that direction, creating a sort of addiction which will dominate your life and prevent you from seeing pertinent vistas to your right and to your left. This is an extremely successful business model of distraction, used to dominate, control and subdue.
And this is what you have become, citizens of earth: a subdued and easily controllable global society, irrespective of where you live and where you come from. You might rebel at this thought, declaring that “democracy” or “free speech” is to be found in various countries, but believe us when we say that this also is a veneer, upheld for appearances sake, which covers gross abnormalities and heinous crimes.
Everything is controlled – even the supposed fighting between different factions. This has been the case for many many centuries, if not thousands of years, throughout time, as it were, and it is only now that divine intervention is going to SHOW IT UP and SHATTER ALL FAMILIAR FRAMEWORKS IN ONE FELL SWOOP.
There will be no doubting about what will happen. There will be no more discussions or lack of transparency. The majority of you will simply stand there, open-mouthed. For others, it will be a relief, for they have been waiting impatiently in the shadows, waiting for this to happen.
What is it? You may ask. We cannot and will not take the learning experience away from you. While the revelations will be real and “solid”, it’s their EFFECT which will vary greatly, according to the habits, lifestyles, thoughts and missions of every individual.
One critical fact or will be, as we have previously mentioned, whether you are capable of embracing change, even if this involves – on the surface of things in the initial phase – incurable loss. But know that you will eventually GAIN ALL.
We leave you with these thoughts as the tension grows.