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Soul Growth

Urantia, February 12, 2008.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “Soul Growth.”

Message received by Lytske.

The Beloved: “When you place yourself at My disposal, hoping some words may be forthcoming, this is a most wonderful habit to cultivate and persist in. You know very well that I would not leave this opportunity unused and truly love to be heard. And you also know, that something truly worthwhile will be shared, which will help you grow just a little more. It is this daily persistence in turning within and seeking Me, which helps Me to forge a closer connection with you.

There is so much that I desire to reveal to you, but some of this must wait until you have grown and developed some more. It is by your endeavors that your capacity to receive new information, enlarges. If you do not help yourself in being progressive in matters spiritual, (it is like this also in the material world), then you will not make the gains you so earnestly desire. It is also true, that when you keep asking to have your mind opened further, this request will be filled. This is also My desire which I have placed in you, that you do so.

Spirit works and achieves the best results when you strive for a pure heart and mind, so the soul can grow unhindered and be nurtured. Soul growth is most definitely dependent on your motivation and on the actions following your decisions. Never forget that the Creator God knows every intent of your heart, and so do I, being a Spark of His Majesty and Glory.

It is this secret, which has been underground for so long, which must come into the open and in the foreground in people’s minds. That there lives within all of you a Spark from God, which gives you every opportunity to become like God in the eternal future. Meanwhile, you will experientially attain the perfection required to be able to stand in the eternal future in God’s Presence as a perfected being. This is the purpose and goal of your existence.

And this is the goal we have embarked upon, you and I together. There is a tremendous scheme in the form of ascension ahead and waiting for you, as the universe itself consists of vast schools of learning, comparable somewhat to your universities, although, the ones you will attend, are far more complete and replete. This is as it ought to be because all your experiential knowledge will be tested time and again in order for you to help those who come up from the world of space behind you. For this is how you learn, by passing your knowledge on to others.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
