Urantia, May 30, 2006. Teacher: The Beloved. Subject: “Build Up Your Faith and Trust in Me.”Message received by Lytske. The Beloved: “Do engage in practicing your faith and trust in Me. Whenever something or someone crosses your path and provokes fear in you, say immediately: ‘I fear no evil. I know that all is well.’ Say always in your heart: ‘All is well’. Truly, there is nothing to fear, but fear itself. If you give fear power, you will attract the very thing you fear or fret about, with the result that an indefinable ‘something’ will collapse in you and your faith in Me will diminish. Fear is a spirit poison. Fear is the biggest defrauder of peace. It is an unreasoned creature fear, which is a legacy from eons of evolution – fear of being hunted, fear of bad weather, fear of the scorching sun, fear of death and fear of a terrible unknown. The solution is so simple. Just come to Me in the Stillness. Let Me steady your nerves and calm your heart. Your Master Michael Son, Jesus, has overcome all evil, literally and figuratively. He stood without fear before His accusers, because He knew they could only harm His physical body, but never His undying spirit. Follow His example and live fearlessly, and when fear strikes your heart, say, ‘all is well.’ Then turn into the Silence where I am waiting. Feel safe within the citadel of your soul. Mortal life is but a fleeting moment in eternity. See to it that you use your allotted time well, and continue to master the unbridled emotions of the mind, especially baseless fear. Unthinking and unfeeling humans can never destroy your soul, but they can damage your spirit if you allow them to. Therefore, strengthen the bond with your eternal Fragment of God, and build up your faith and trust in Me, your eternal Companion.” © The 11:11 Progress Group. |